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New Westminster Secondary to receive cooling system

New Westminster, B.C. 鈥 The district is excited to announce that New Westminster Secondary School will receive a cooling system thanks to jointly provided funding from the province and the New Westminster Board of Education.

鈥淲e worked hard to secure the money to retrofit NWSS,鈥 said Maya Russell, board chair. 鈥淥ur students, staff, and parents were consistently clear about their need for cooler spaces at the school during summer so learning can happen in more comfortable environments.鈥

The Province of British Columbia will contribute $3 million to the project alongside $500,000 from the Board of Education鈥檚 operating grant for a total of $3.5 million. With funding in place and a contractor selected, work is expected to begin this summer and continue into the new school year.

Once complete, New Westminster Secondary will be fully cooled on the second and third floors, which staff and students identified as areas of great discomfort during hot weather. The system can extend coverage to the school鈥檚 first floor and learning commons as potential future expansions.

The project鈥檚 anticipated completion date is still to be determined, but the district hopes to have the cooling systems in place and functioning by summer 2025.